
리눅스 에러코드 (linux error code)

J_____ 2020. 10. 23. 02:23

include/uapi/asm-generic/errno-base.h (1~34번까지)

include/uapi/asm-generic/errno.h (35~133번까지) 

에 정의되어 있다. (linux-5.7.11 기준)

0 Success
1EPERMOperation not permitted 
2ENOENTNo such file or directory 
3ESRCHNo such process 
4EINTRInterrupted system call 
5EIOI/O error 
6ENXIONo such device or address 
7E2BIGArgument list too long 
8ENOEXECExec format error 
9EBADFBad file number 
10ECHILDNo child processes 
11EAGAINTry again 
11EWOULDBLOCKOperation would block
12ENOMEMOut of memory 
13EACCESPermission denied 
14EFAULTBad address 
15ENOTBLKBlock device required 
16EBUSYDevice or resource busy 
17EEXISTFile exists 
18EXDEVCross-device link 
19ENODEVNo such device 
20ENOTDIRNot a directory 
21EISDIRIs a directory 
22EINVALInvalid argument 
23ENFILEFile table overflow 
24EMFILEToo many open files 
25ENOTTYNot a typewriter 
26ETXTBSYText file busy 
27EFBIGFile too large 
28ENOSPCNo space left on device 
29ESPIPEIllegal seek 
30EROFSRead-only file system 
31EMLINKToo many links 
32EPIPEBroken pipe 
33EDOMMath argument out of domain of func 
34ERANGEMath result not representable 
35EDEADLKResource deadlock would occur 
35EDEADLOCKResource deadlock would occur 
36ENAMETOOLONGFile name too long 
37ENOLCKNo record locks available 
38ENOSYSInvalid system call number
39ENOTEMPTYDirectory not empty 
40ELOOPToo many symbolic links encountered 
42ENOMSGNo message of desired type 
43EIDRMIdentifier removed 
44ECHRNGChannel number out of range 
45EL2NSYNCLevel 2 not synchronized 
46EL3HLTLevel 3 halted 
47EL3RSTLevel 3 reset 
48ELNRNGLink number out of range 
49EUNATCHProtocol driver not attached 
50ENOCSINo CSI structure available 
51EL2HLTLevel 2 halted 
52EBADEInvalid exchange 
53EBADRInvalid request descriptor 
54EXFULLExchange full 
55ENOANONo anode 
56EBADRQCInvalid request code 
57EBADSLTInvalid slot 
59EBFONTBad font file format 
60ENOSTRDevice not a stream 
61ENODATANo data available 
62ETIMETimer expired 
63ENOSROut of streams resources 
64ENONETMachine is not on the network 
65ENOPKGPackage not installed 
66EREMOTEObject is remote 
67ENOLINKLink has been severed 
68EADVAdvertise error 
69ESRMNTSrmount error 
70ECOMMCommunication error on send 
71EPROTOProtocol error 
72EMULTIHOPMultihop attempted 
73EDOTDOTRFS specific error 
74EBADMSGNot a data message 
75EOVERFLOWValue too large for defined data type 
76ENOTUNIQName not unique on network 
77EBADFDFile descriptor in bad state 
78EREMCHGRemote address changed 
79ELIBACCCan not access a needed shared library 
80ELIBBADAccessing a corrupted shared library 
81ELIBSCN.lib section in a.out corrupted 
82ELIBMAXAttempting to link in too many shared libraries 
83ELIBEXECCannot exec a shared library directly 
84EILSEQIllegal byte sequence 
85ERESTARTInterrupted system call should be restarted 
86ESTRPIPEStreams pipe error 
87EUSERSToo many users 
88ENOTSOCKSocket operation on non-socket 
89EDESTADDRREQDestination address required 
90EMSGSIZEMessage too long 
91EPROTOTYPEProtocol wrong type for socket 
92ENOPROTOOPTProtocol not available 
93EPROTONOSUPPORTProtocol not supported 
94ESOCKTNOSUPPORTSocket type not supported 
95EOPNOTSUPPOperation not supported on transport endpoint 
96EPFNOSUPPORTProtocol family not supported 
97EAFNOSUPPORTAddress family not supported by protocol 
98EADDRINUSEAddress already in use 
99EADDRNOTAVAILCannot assign requested address 
100ENETDOWNNetwork is down 
101ENETUNREACHNetwork is unreachable 
102ENETRESETNetwork dropped connection because of reset 
103ECONNABORTEDSoftware caused connection abort 
104ECONNRESETConnection reset by peer 
105ENOBUFSNo buffer space available 
106EISCONNTransport endpoint is already connected 
107ENOTCONNTransport endpoint is not connected 
108ESHUTDOWNCannot send after transport endpoint shutdown 
109ETOOMANYREFSToo many references: cannot splice 
110ETIMEDOUTConnection timed out 
111ECONNREFUSEDConnection refused 
112EHOSTDOWNHost is down 
113EHOSTUNREACHNo route to host 
114EALREADYOperation already in progress 
115EINPROGRESSOperation now in progress 
116ESTALEStale file handle 
117EUCLEANStructure needs cleaning 
118ENOTNAMNot a XENIX named type file 
119ENAVAILNo XENIX semaphores available 
120EISNAMIs a named type file 
121EREMOTEIORemote I/O error 
122EDQUOTQuota exceeded 
123ENOMEDIUMNo medium found 
124EMEDIUMTYPEWrong medium type 
125ECANCELEDOperation Canceled 
126ENOKEYRequired key not available 
127EKEYEXPIREDKey has expired 
128EKEYREVOKEDKey has been revoked 
129EKEYREJECTEDKey was rejected by service 
130EOWNERDEADOwner died 
131ENOTRECOVERABLEState not recoverable 
132ERFKILLOperation not possible due to RF-kill 
133EHWPOISONMemory page has hardware error 
